Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Geo-Cached Code

Geo-Cached Code
Originally uploaded by Geis.

GeoCaching Set

Jake and I decided to try out some geo-caching last Sunday out near his house in Plymouth (just outside Wilkes-Barre). The cache was located down at this place called The Seven Tubs which contained a large creek with a bunch of small pools which you can swim and jump into.
So we grabbed our swim trunks, Sue's dog Beaut, and a GPS device Jake was borrowing from his buddy and took off for the cache.

For being my first cache, it was definitely a good experience overall. We had to do some tree climbing and general foraging, not to mention the intense mosquito fighting (I don't know about Jake, but I certainly lost that battle as I currently have upwards of 50 to 60 bites on my legs, arms, and the webbing of both my hands - scratch, scratch).

Anyway, check out the pics.

Ps. If you plan to do this cache for some reason or another, I would advise against actually looking at the pictures since they sort of give away the entire thing.

1 comment:

Action Jake said...

you are not alone. my legs have turned into one giant red bug bite... leaving the remaining portion of me pale from the large quantity of blood siphoned out.