Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Wings and Elliot Ness

Leftovers, originally uploaded by Geis.

Why has it been so long since I've eaten home-made wings rolled in buttermilk ranch with a smooth Great Lakes Elliot Ness draft in my slimy hand?

A little while ago, we grabbed a good few pounds of chicken wings from Wholey's, grilled up a couple, and then froze the rest. Yesterday during lunch, I plopped about 8 full wings into a brine mixture and let them thaw and bring (I guess) for a good 7 hours or so.

We grilled them up on the charcoal grill, and then fired them into a sauce (Red Hot, butter, garlic salt, pepper, Hickory Honey BBQ sauce, etc.) that I had simmered on the stove for about 10-15 minutes.

Let's just say, it hit the spot. We also cooked up some white corn, which was delicious, to complete the very simple, yet very fulfilling meal.

Now I look forward to lunchtime... with leftovers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok... time to find some chicken wings on this soggy little island. I've gone without for far too long.