The detection system uses a doorbell tester, which has a tiny light bulb that lights up whenever the doorbell is connected. This attaches right to the existing system. I then used a photocell as an input to my ATMEGA168 (with Arduino bootloader). I didn't want to mess around with transformers quite yet, so this optical/electric coupled circuitry did the trick.
Here is a shot of the photocell I used to detect when the doorbell tester lit up:
A little while ago I had put together an "Arduino" from scratch, essentially just exposing the inputs and tying in the necessary supply connections to the ATMEGA168 microprocessor. Here is a quick video of the project.
And a few shots of the arduino board:
Finally, here is the system attached to the doorbell wires. I have an enclosure that covers this system up. You can also see the RF transmitter that I use to send an RF signal and alert the receiver (which does all the tweeting / text messaging).
All that is left to talk about is the receiver system sitting by my Mac Mini. This system detects the RF transmission and pushes a message out through the USB serial interface. On the Mac Mini I have a python script running which waits for the message on the USB serial port and then sends a text message to my wife and I, as well as tweets to
1 comment:
Nice! Great write-up. I like the depth of field in the photos (and the beer in the background).
I'll stop by some night at around 3am to try the doorbell out!
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