Sunday, July 06, 2008

Mosquito Breeding

Frog fountain, originally uploaded by Geis.

In the early winter this past year, a large locust tree fell in my backyard during a wicked lightning storm. After cutting it up (with the help of my neighbor, Mike) I formed a small wood pile by the back of my house, next to the sliding glass door. Over time, this wood pile has become swamped with the recent downpours, and has not had much time to dry out. This seemed to create a sweet breeding ground for mosquitoes, as every time we walk out the glass door, we are bombarded by the little suckers (pun intended).
After spending some time on Saturday afternoon moving this wood pile away from the house (I figured it was also bad to encourage carpenter ants to move in so close to my house structure), I decided to see what I could do about the mosquitoes I've been unintentionally breeding in a small pond, also in my backyard.

Luckily, I had just the weapon... I was so lucky as to receive a very gracious gift of a frog fountain from my mother for my birthday this past April. I had postponed it's addition to the pond due to electrical issues, but decided to hook it up with an extension cord for a temporary setup. So far, things look good for Jack, Heather, and I; not as good for the West Nile campaign. The surface of the pond is now in constant churn, which I hope will destroy any future reproduction.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm going to be lazy, and tell you to do some googling for: mosquito control tablets DCNR free... Deb and I remember hearing of a program that distributed these tablets for free. If not, you can probably buy them at a big home store.