Monday, February 19, 2007

Is this the end?

Cingular 8125, originally uploaded by Geis.

My Cingular 8125 consumes SIM cards... For real. (Fo' rhea)

The day before my wedding, my cell phone stopped communicating with Cingular's towers, so I paid a visit to the closest Cingular store. The salesperson convinced me that it was simply a faulty SIM card, issued me a new one, cleared all my data off the device (thanks), and guaranteed me it wouldn't happen again.

Sometime this summer, the phone bricked once again, so I trucked on down to the same store, and this time had the same SIM card re-initialized with the necessary information to start communicating with Cingular again.

Finally, this last Friday, this gorgeous POS decided to SIM barf, denying the ever-so-necessary call to my wife inquiring the evening's dining gameplan.

So to shorten this lengthening story, I called Cingular this weekend and after a good hour and a half total call time (on my wife's cellphone), I was able to ensure them that the phone had issues and I needed a new one. I was pleased to find out that my warranty expires on February 23rd; this upcoming Friday.

So that's the situation. I'm waiting for a new device to arrive in the mail (and thanks to all the Presidents for postponing its arrival one more day) and hope to be available once again in a few days.

Until then, long live SKYPE.

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